Thursday, January 8, 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009


Friday Night at Route 196 for RockEd Philippines' forum on "The Golf Valley Incident" went wonderfully. Hosts Lourd De Veyra (of Radioactive Sago Project) and Gang Badoy also introduced three guest panelists as Atty. Adel Tamano, Danton Remoto, and Bobby Garcia. I found myself, for the first time in a long, long, long time, too shy to step up to the mic and speak up about the issue. But I do hope that this whole thing doesn't blow over just as things did with the whole "Joc Joc Incident". (and I guess several others.)

Anyways, besides great a forum and the preceding gig with bands Radioactive Sago Project and Sandwich, P.Poop #1 sold 15 copies that night! I had curious folks that would ask what sort of drugs I was selling out of my sketchy looking pencil case only to find P.Poop and 50's in my hands. (They bought copies from me anyways.) Paolo Cruz of Dumpling Press bought 3 copies that night; one for him, Claire (Co-Publisher for Dumpling Press), and Tin Garcia (whom I haven't met yet, but apparently Paolo says I should).

Here's our first review!

P.Poop #1 feels like the print equivalent of a haiku, or maybe a hors d'ourve at some fancy-ass party. It often feels deliberately scarce, but perfect for whetting the appetite, and setting one's mood. Scacely larger than a business card, it packs a lot of varied content into its tiny pages: gorgeous visuals, historical blurbs, personal anecdotes, and tidbits on the politics of self.

P.Poop and the partners-in-crime maximize the space for optimum aesthetic effect. I honestly felt a bit short-changed, but in a *good* way. I wanted MORE! The content is intriguing, but it's necessarily restricted by the small format. It works for some pieces, but ion others, I felt like the topics could have been explored with significantly more depth, given just a bit more space. (Quarter-size A4, maybe?)

-Paolo Cruz
Co-publisher for
Dumpling Press
(/Humble Writer/Infrequent Editor/Self-declared Pop Critic)

P.S. Hopefully with more funding, more submissions, and a cheaper xerox place, I'll be able to switch over to the Quarter-size!